Break These Habits, And You Might Be Able To Stop Varicose Veins In Their Tracks

Nobody wants their legs to be covered in thick, bulging varicose veins. If you're starting to notice some small varicose veins forming on your legs, now is the time to take action. If you can break some bad habits that might be contributing to your varicose vein formation, you might be able to stop them from becoming any worse.

Habit #1: Standing on hard ground in shoes with poor support.

Do you stand on a hard surface, like concrete or asphalt, as you work all day? This could be contributing to your varicose vein formation by putting increased stress on your lower legs and allowing blood to pool in the veins. If you are in this situation, make sure you invest in a very well-padded, comfortable pair of shoes. Also, take walks whenever possible, instead of standing in one place -- this gets your blood flowing. If your job does not allow for walking, try marching in place every few minutes as an alternative.

Habit #2: Crossing your legs when seated.

When you cross one leg over the other, you reduce the circulation in your legs, which can make varicose veins worse. Get into the habit of sitting with both feet flat on the floor. Ensure that the chair you sit in lets you reach the ground comfortably, as dangling your legs is also bad for circulation.

Habit #3: Allowing your weight to get out of control.

Being overweight is a risk factor for varicose veins. If you are overweight or obese, there's a good chance this has contributed to your varicose vein formation. By losing weight, you can help prevent the veins from becoming worse. Work with a nutritionist or a physical trainer to ensure you lose weight in a healthy manner. Crash diets can be seriously dangerous. Ask your doctor to recommend a healthy weight to use as your goal weight. Remember that you're doing this for your health and not just your body image -- this will help keep you motivated.

Habit #4: Using hormone-based birth control methods.

The hormones in birth control pills may increase your risk of varicose veins. If you're taking birth control pills, talk to your partner and OB/GYN about switching to a non-hormonal birth control method like an IUD. This is not an option for everyone, but if it's a switch you're willing to make, you may find that your varicose veins stop getting worse.

If your veins are bad enough that they've begun to interfere with your self-esteem, talk to your physician about possible treatments. For mild cases, there are several laser-based therapies that are faster and less painful than you'd think.

For surgical treatment of varicose veins, contact a doctor's office such as Premier Surgical Associates.
