Treating Your Glaucoma: What You Should Know
When you go to the eye doctor and receive a diagnosis of glaucoma, you may find yourself wondering what you could have done to prevent this eye disorder from developing in the first place. However, the important thing to focus your attention on is figuring out a course of treatment rather than focusing on what you may have been able to do in the past. So, get to know some of the treatment options that are available to you and get started in your treatment program as soon as possible to help preserve your vision and prevent the disease from progressing further.
Eye Drops or Other Medications
One of the first lines of defense against the progression of glaucoma is the use of prescription medications. There are two different types of medications that are used for glaucoma: eye drops or medications in pill form.
Eye drops are applied on a daily basis and enter the bloodstream directly. This makes the eye drops extremely effective and fast-acting. They are designed to relieve pressure that causes disturbances in the vision and inflammation that causes pain and discomfort.
On the other hand, pills are also anti-inflammatory in nature. They are generally not used as a solo treatment in and of themselves but are prescribed in conjunction with the eye drops. The effects of the pills can be numerous, but generally are designed to reduce the production of fluids in the eye. The reduction in fluids also serves to reduce excess pressure and discomfort.
Surgical Procedures
There are also numerous surgeries that can be used to treat glaucoma. If you also have cataracts in addition to glaucoma, one of the newer and more innovative surgeries includes the implantation of an iStent. An iStent is a micro-device that allow excess fluid to continuously drain from the eye preventing buildup and inflammation. It is the smallest device that can be implanted into your eye for the treatment of glaucoma.
Other surgical treatments range from minimally-invasive laser surgeries to more traditional surgeries. The goal of all surgeries is to improve the drainage of fluid from the eyes or to prevent the fluid from being produced in the first place. All of these pressure-reducing surgeries help to prolong the progress of glaucoma and keep your vision intact as long as possible.
With these treatment options in mind, you can begin the process of treating your glaucoma as soon as possible and protect and maintain your vision in the process. If you have any questions about what you can do about your glaucoma, consider contacting a local specialist, such as Country Hills Eye Center, to discuss your options.