Three Exercises To Help Ease Lower Back Spasms
Are you dealing with spasms of pain in your lower back? These spasms can get in the way of your enjoyment of everyday life, and they can make it difficult or impossible to perform your job. Long term, you should look into professional back pain treatment services by a chiropractor or physician to address the root of your lower back pain. But in the meantime, there are a few exercises you can begin doing to help reduce the frequency and severity of the spasms.
1. Leg lifts
Leg lifts help strengthen not only your lower back, but also your abs. This is helpful since sometimes lower back pain is due to weak abs. Your weak abs may not be supporting enough of your weight, so the muscles in your back are forced to compensate. To perform a leg lift, start by laying on your back with your arms at your side. Lift your legs towards the ceiling, and hold them just six inches off the ground for as long as you can manage. (It's okay if you can only manage a few seconds at first.) Repeat this move five or ten times.
2. Bird Dogs
The bird dog is a yoga pose that can help stretch out your lower back while also strengthening your core muscles to help alleviate future muscle spasms. To perform the bird dog, start in a kneeling position. Stretch one arm out in front of you while supporting your weight on the other arm. Then, lift the leg on the opposite side of your raised arm, and stretch it out far behind you. Reach forward with your arm, and back with your leg, holding the position for 30 seconds or for as long as you can. Repeat on the other side, and then do a total of 10 reps on each side.
3. Bridge
The bridge is a great exercise to perform when you are dealing with immediate back pain. Lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Slide your legs up towards your rear end, and push up on them. You should aim to flatten your torso. Really pull your stomach towards your chin, and feel the pull through your hips and back. Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then lower yourself to the ground slowly, being careful to control the movement.
Perform these exercises as needed — preferably at least once a day for the best relief.